Monday, April 5, 2010

Mexico's Playlist for Your Newest Stay in Mayan Resorts Timeshares


The Grupo Mayan Resorts travel experts know that there is much to be enjoyed in and around Mexico’s waters; scuba diving, snorkeling, kayaking, parasailing, jet skiing, windsurfing and fishing are never more than a splash away.

Eco-adventure seekers will want to visit Acapulco’s Coyuca Lagoon. A fresh water sanctuary teeming with natural beauty says the Grupo Mayan travel advisors is located 6.2 miles north of Acapulco and there are so many things to explore. You can even bird watch at Isla de los Pajaros (“Bird Island”) where you’ll see herons, marabou storks, egrets, penguins, and such - or canoe along the jungle canopied canals filled with floating water hyacinths. This area is very popular for its tropical flora and it has been the location for Hollywood movies.

Also near Acapulco is Bravo Town. An ecological adventure park, Bravo offers everything from rafting the River Papagayo’s Class I, II and II-plus rapids and kayaking to bungee jumping and rock climbing. Recommended as well by the Grupo Mayan travel guides, is a three-hour drive from Acapulco, but worth every minute - the Cacahuamilpa Caves offers a one-mile pathway that winds through century-old caves. The caves, illuminated by a state-of-the-art lighting system, feature chiseled stalactites and stalagmites.

1 comment:

David said...

I'd agree that the eco advetures are one of the highlites at Grupo Mayan. The experts at Grupo Mayan are bang on. Awesome!